Search the Archaeology Database

About this search

This search method is the most complex off all the searches. You will be able to create very refined searches. However, the process is complicated and you may well get stuck. Please use "Help" button or failing that, the "Contact Us" button to get in touch and we will respond with additional help as soon as possible.

Create your filter

The advanced seach involves identifying records using a "filter". This allows you to specify combinations of record types. You will be looking for particular combinations of values under the categories of Parish, Monument type, District/Borough, Historic Period or Site Protection.

Category: one classification of a record (eg Parish)
Value: a selection from the category list (eg Great Alne)
Filter: a set of requirements. Made up of a series of filter subsets (see below)
Filter subset: a number of values made from one or more categories
Join: the way a number of values or a series of filter subsets are connected to each other (see below). The connection will be an "AND" or "OR". It is important to understand these when creating a filter
1 OR - eg borough/district = Rugby or Stratford on Avon
2 AND - eg borough/district = Rugby and Stratford upon Avon
Example 1 will generate a report comprising several 1000 records because you have asked for sites in either district/borough. Example 2 will generate a report of less than 50 records as you have asked for sites that are within both areas. This will only find linear sites such as roads and canals which extend between the two districts.


To use this search, you first need to add records to your search by clicking on the Show Records button. This will show a list of categories that you select from.

Once you have selected the category, you can then select the appropriate value. For example, select Parish as the category, and then select the parish you want to add records from.

Click the OK button to add those records to the results. You can now go on and other categories in the same way. These will be added with an OR join.

Once you've finished, click on the Add Records button.

You can now add other criteria using an AND join by selecting Show Records again, and following the process above. If you want to hide some records from the results, use the Hide Records option. This works in the same way as Show records.

If you make a mistake or change your mind use the edit and remove buttons at any time they are displayed.

It will help you to generate a meaningful report if you have a good idea of what categories and values you want to use before you create your filter.

Please remember that most of the sites recorded on this website are on private land and are not open to the general public.