Listed Building
Buildings and structures, such as bridges, that are of architectural or historical importance are placed on a statutory list. These buildings are protected by planning and conservation acts that ensure that their special features of interest are considered before any alterations are made to them.
Depending on how important the buildings are they are classed as Grade I, Grade II* or Grade II. Grade I buildings are those of exceptional interest. Grade II* are particularly important buildings of more than special interest. Those listed as Grade II are those buildings that are regarded of special interest.
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1751 AD to 1914 AD (end of the 18th century AD to the beginning of the 20th century AD)
This period comes after the Post Medieval period and before the modern period and starts with beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 1750. It includes the second part of the Hannoverian period (1714 – 1836) and the Victorian period (1837 – 1901). The Imperial period ends with the start of the First World War in 1914. more ->
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A small body of water, either natural or artificial.
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A building for human habitation, especially a dwelling place. Use more specific type where known.
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Unclassifiable site with minimal information. Specify site type wherever possible.
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A private garden established primarily for growing vegetables and herbs for domestic consumption.
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A garden house situated to provide a commanding view.
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A type of GARDEN HOUSE, usually in the form of an open-fronted shelter with seat.
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A large park for keeping deer. In medieval times the prime purpose was for hunting.
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An enclosed piece of land, generally large in area, used for hunting, the cultivation of trees, for grazing sheep and cattle or visual enjoyment. Use more specific type where known.
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The limit to an area as defined on a map or by a marker of some form, eg. BOUNDARY WALL. Use specific type where known.
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This is the top term for the class. See INDUSTRIAL Class List for narrow terms.
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A place or path for walking in a park or garden. Use more specific type where possible.
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An area of prepared ground on which a sport is played. Use more specific type where known.
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A building in a garden or park designed to provide a shady retreat from the heat of the sun.
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An enclosed piece of ground devoted to the cultivation of flowers, fruit or vegetables and/or recreational purposes. Use more specific type where known.
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Grounds, usually associated with a country house, laid out so as to produce the effect of natural scenery
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A construction of unknown function, either extant or implied by archaeological evidence. If known, use more specific type.
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A group of planted trees or shrubs, generally of uniform age and of a single species.
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Use for places of worship. For later landscape features use, eg. GARDEN TEMPLE.
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* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)