Information for record number MWA13199:
Lamb Commercial Hotel, High Street, Coleshill

Summary Historic hotel situated in the High Street. No longer in existence.
What Is It?  
Type: Hotel
Period: Unknown
Where Is It?  
Parish: Coleshill
District: North Warwickshire, Warwickshire
Grid Reference: SP 19 89
(Data represented on this map shows the current selected record as a single point, this is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent an accurate or complete representation of archaeological sites or features)
Level of Protection Local

Source Number  

3 Lamb Commercial Hotel, High Street, Coleshill. Historic Hotel on East side of High Street, situated to the North of the Blythe road turning. Listed in Pigot's Directory under Taverns and Public Houses. Also listed in F.White and Co.'s Directory and on the Victuallers' database. The latter shows it was in existence in 1812. Demolished at some point with a modern road and houses now occupying the site.

Source No: 1
Source Type: Bibliographic reference
Title: Pigot and Co.'s Royal National and Commercial Topography and Directory of the Counties of Nottinghamshire Rutland Shropshire Staffordshire Warwickshire Westmorland Worcestershire Yorkshire Wales.
Author/originator: Pigot & Co.
Date: 1828-29
Page Number:
Source No: 2
Source Type: Internet Data
Title: Victuallers Database 1801 - 1828 Victuallers Database, 1801 to 1828
Author/originator: Warwickshire County Record Office
Date: 1801 - 1828
Page Number:
Source No: 3
Source Type: Internet Data
Title: F. White and Co.'s Warwickshire Directory 1874
Author/originator: F. White and Co.
Page Number:
There are no images associated with this record.  
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Word or Phrase
period Modern The Modern Period, about 1915 AD to the present (the 20th and 21st centuries AD)

In recent years archaeologists have realised the importance of recording modern sites. They do this so that in the future people will be able to look at the remains to help them understand the events to which they are related.
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period modern About 1915 AD to the present (the 20th and 21st centuries AD)

In recent years archaeologists have realised the importance of recording modern sites. They do this so that in the future people will be able to look at the remains to help them understand the events to which they are related.
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monument HOTEL * A large building used for the accommodation of paying travellers and guests. back
monument HOUSE * A building for human habitation, especially a dwelling place. Use more specific type where known. back
monument SITE * Unclassifiable site with minimal information. Specify site type wherever possible. back
monument COMMERCIAL * This is the top term for the class. See COMMERCIAL Class list for narrow terms. back
monument ROAD * A way between different places, used by horses, travellers on foot and vehicles. back
monument PUBLIC HOUSE * The public house was a 19th century development, distinctive from the earlier BEER HOUSE by its decorative treatment and fittings. back

* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)

English Heritage National Monuments Record