Listed Building
Buildings and structures, such as bridges, that are of architectural or historical importance are placed on a statutory list. These buildings are protected by planning and conservation acts that ensure that their special features of interest are considered before any alterations are made to them.
Depending on how important the buildings are they are classed as Grade I, Grade II* or Grade II. Grade I buildings are those of exceptional interest. Grade II* are particularly important buildings of more than special interest. Those listed as Grade II are those buildings that are regarded of special interest.
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SMR Card
Sites and Monuments Record Card. The Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record began to be developed during the 1970s. The details of individual archaeological sites and findspots were written on record cards. These record cards were used until the 1990s, when their details were entered on to a computerised system. The record cards are still kept at the office of the Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record.
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1751 AD to 1914 AD (end of the 18th century AD to the beginning of the 20th century AD)
This period comes after the Post Medieval period and before the modern period and starts with beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 1750. It includes the second part of the Hannoverian period (1714 – 1836) and the Victorian period (1837 – 1901). The Imperial period ends with the start of the First World War in 1914. more ->
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A building, room or suite of rooms where books, or other materials, are classified by subject and stored for use by the library's members.
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A row of columns supporting an entablature.
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A structure with a roof to provide shelter from the weather for occupants or contents. Use specific type where known.
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A tall building, either round, square or polygonal in plan, used for a variety of purposes, including defence, as a landmark, for the hanging of bells, industrial functions, etc. Use more specific type where known.
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This is the top term for the class. See INDUSTRIAL Class List for narrow terms.
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A room or building where a pump is worked.
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A shaft or pit dug in the ground over a supply of spring-water.
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A structure of wood, stone, iron, brick or concrete, etc, with one or more intervals under it to span a river or other space. Use specific type where known.
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A building, usually open to the public, containing a number of areas for bathing. In the case of such a complex containing baths for swimming, also index with INDOOR or OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOL.
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Any factory or site using machine tools in a manufacturing or processing capacity.
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A spa building to which water was pumped from springs or wells; usually also serving a social function as an ASSEMBLY ROOM, eg. as at Bath.
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A construction of unknown function, either extant or implied by archaeological evidence. If known, use more specific type.
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A point where water issues naturally from the rock or soil onto the ground or into a body of surface water.
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A large, manmade pool, usually lined with tiles, rubber or similar. Can be placed in the open air, eg. a LIDO, or built as part of a covered sports centre.
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An assemblage of public and private buildings, larger than a village and having more complete and independent local government.
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A medicinal or mineral spring often with an associated building.
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* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)