Information for record number MWA1437:
Railway Station & Goods Yard (Site 17), Salford Priors

Summary The site of a railway station and goods yard dating to the Imperial period. They are situated 400m north east of the church, Salford Priors.
What Is It?  
Type: Railway Station, Goods Yard
Period: Imperial - Industrial (1751 AD - 1913 AD)
Where Is It?  
Parish: Salford Priors
District: Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire
Grid Reference: SP 07 51
(Data represented on this map shows the current selected record as a single point, this is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent an accurate or complete representation of archaeological sites or features)
Level of Protection National - Old SMR PrefRef (Grade: )
Sites & Monuments Record

Source Number  

1 Railway station of 1866 with 2 storey platform. The goods siding is now used as an office and storeroom, cattle pen rear of station.
2 The proposed new bypass will not affect this site, which is owned by Bomford Turner Ltd.

Source No: 1
Source Type: Bibliographic reference
Title: The Industrial Archaeology of the Lower Arrow Valley, Warwickshire
Author/originator: Saville G E
Date: 1979
Page Number:
Source No: 2
Source Type: Evaluation Report
Title: A435 Bypass Phase 2/III
Author/originator: Palmer S C
Date: 1993
Page Number:
There are no images associated with this record.  
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Word or Phrase
period Imperial 1751 AD to 1914 AD (end of the 18th century AD to the beginning of the 20th century AD)

This period comes after the Post Medieval period and before the modern period and starts with beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 1750. It includes the second part of the Hannoverian period (1714 – 1836) and the Victorian period (1837 – 1901). The Imperial period ends with the start of the First World War in 1914.
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monument SITE * Unclassifiable site with minimal information. Specify site type wherever possible. back
monument RAILWAY STATION * A place where railway trains regularly stop for taking up and setting down passengers or for receiving goods for transport. back
monument CHURCH * A building used for public Christian worship. Use more specific type where known. back
monument GOODS YARD * A site where merchandise and goods are temporarily stored before or after transportation by rail. back
monument INDUSTRIAL * This is the top term for the class. See INDUSTRIAL Class List for narrow terms. back
monument PLATFORM * Unspecified. Use specific type where known. back
monument CATTLE PEN * An enclosure for cattle. back
monument OFFICE * A building or room where business, administrative or professional activities are conducted. Use specific type where known. back

* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)

English Heritage National Monuments Record