OS Card
Ordnance Survey Record Card. Before the 1970s the Ordnance Survey (OS) were responsible for recording archaeological monuments during mapping exercises. This helped the Ordnance Survey to decide which monuments to publish on maps. During these exercises the details of the monuments were written down on record cards. Copies of some of the cards are kept at the Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record. The responsibility for recording archaeological monuments later passed to the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historic Monuments.
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1751 AD to 1914 AD (end of the 18th century AD to the beginning of the 20th century AD)
This period comes after the Post Medieval period and before the modern period and starts with beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 1750. It includes the second part of the Hannoverian period (1714 – 1836) and the Victorian period (1837 – 1901). The Imperial period ends with the start of the First World War in 1914. more ->
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Unclassifiable site with minimal information. Specify site type wherever possible.
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This is the top term for the class. See INDUSTRIAL Class List for narrow terms.
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An upright post with projecting arm from which the body of a criminal would be hung in chains after execution.
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A construction of unknown function, either extant or implied by archaeological evidence. If known, use more specific type.
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* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)