SMR Card
Sites and Monuments Record Card. The Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record began to be developed during the 1970s. The details of individual archaeological sites and findspots were written on record cards. These record cards were used until the 1990s, when their details were entered on to a computerised system. The record cards are still kept at the office of the Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record.
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1751 AD to 1914 AD (end of the 18th century AD to the beginning of the 20th century AD)
This period comes after the Post Medieval period and before the modern period and starts with beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 1750. It includes the second part of the Hannoverian period (1714 – 1836) and the Victorian period (1837 – 1901). The Imperial period ends with the start of the First World War in 1914. more ->
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A paved area, generally found at the back of a house.
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A small room or building containing a lavatory and, in more recent times, washing facilities.
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A building for human habitation, especially a dwelling place. Use more specific type where known.
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Unclassifiable site with minimal information. Specify site type wherever possible.
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An establishment in which people, usually children, are taught.
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A structure with a roof to provide shelter from the weather for occupants or contents. Use specific type where known.
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Use only where stone is natural or where there is no indication of function.
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A 19th century establishment for the provision of work for the unemployed poor of a parish; later an institution administered by Guardians of the Poor, in which paupers are lodged and the able-bodied set to work.
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A specialist unit within a hospital complex. It may be a separate building or sometimes linked by a corridor or covered walkway to a main building.
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A layer of stone, brick or boards, etc, on which people tread. Use broader site type where known.
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A building or room where food is prepared and cooked.
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A tall building, either round, square or polygonal in plan, used for a variety of purposes, including defence, as a landmark, for the hanging of bells, industrial functions, etc. Use more specific type where known.
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A way between different places, used by horses, travellers on foot and vehicles.
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This is the top term for the class. See INDUSTRIAL Class List for narrow terms.
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An uncovered area, surrounded or partially surrounded by buildings.
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A shaft or pit dug in the ground over a supply of spring-water.
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A room where surgical operations are performed. Originally in the form of a room with a raised table surrounded by tiered seating from where students could watch an operation or disection be performed.
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An establishment providing medical or surgical treatment for the ill or wounded. Use narrower term where possible.
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A freestanding building, or a room or recess serving as a place of Christian worship in a church or other building. Use more specific type where known.
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A building used for the care of the sick. Only to be used where part of a complex, eg. a workhouse. In such cases use with appropriate monument type.
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A building or room where business, administrative or professional activities are conducted. Use specific type where known.
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A room or building where clothing and other fabrics are washed, mangled, steamed and ironed.
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An enclosing structure composed of bricks, stones or similar materials, laid in courses. Use specific type where known.
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Use for places of worship. For later landscape features use, eg. GARDEN TEMPLE.
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A courtyard in a prison or workhouse for the inmates to take exercise.
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* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)