Information for record number MWA3433:
Church of St Peter, Church Lawford

Summary The Church of St Peter originated in the medieval period, and was rebuilt in 1874. The Church is situated on Church Road, Church Lawford.
What Is It?  
Type: Church, Building
Period: Medieval - Industrial (1066 AD - 1913 AD)
Where Is It?  
Parish: Church Lawford
District: Rugby, Warwickshire
Grid Reference: SP 45 76
(Data represented on this map shows the current selected record as a single point, this is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent an accurate or complete representation of archaeological sites or features)
Level of Protection National - Old SMR PrefRef (Grade: )
Listed Building (Grade: II)
Sites & Monuments Record
Picture(s) attached


Source Number  

1 Chancel, nave, N and S aisles, W tower, N porch, and a vestry. Rebuilt in Gothic style in hammer-dressed sandstone ashlar in 1874, retaining from the previous church three bays of the 14th century N arcade, two piscinas, the font, some fragments of tracery and early 14th century slabs with foliated crosses built into the tower walls, and a low side window and two lancets, redressed and re-used in the chancel N wall. Some 17th century woodwork. Memorial dated 1612. The church is first recorded in the late 11th century.
2 By Slater and Carpenter, 1872. Simple S doorway of c1210.
4 Noted by Ordnance Survey.
5 Excavations beneath the chancel floor revealed five 18th and early 19th-century gravestones buried in 1871 during restoration of the church (and recorded at the time).

Source No: 2
Source Type: Bibliographic reference
Title: The Buildings of England: Warwickshire
Author/originator: Pevsner N and Wedgwood A
Date: 1966
Page Number:
Volume/Sheet: Warwicks
Source No: 1
Source Type: Bibliographic reference
Title: Victoria County History, vol 6, Warwickshire
Author/originator: Salzman L F (ed)
Date: 1951
Page Number:
Volume/Sheet: VI
Source No: 3
Source Type: Descriptive Text
Title: LBL
Author/originator: DoE
Date: 1987
Page Number:
Volume/Sheet: Stratford
Source No: 5
Source Type: Serial
Title: WMA (West Midlands Archaeology) vol 43
Author/originator: CBA West Midlands
Date: 2000
Page Number:
Source No: 4
Source Type: Unpublished document
Title: OS Card, 47SW
Author/originator: Ordnance Survey
Page Number:
Volume/Sheet: SP47SWM
St Peter's Church in Church Lawford
Copyright: Warwickshire County Council
Date: 2000
Click here for larger image  
The Church of St. Peter, Church Lawford
Copyright: Warwickshire County Council
Date: 1890s
Click here for larger image  
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Word or Phrase
designation Listed Building Buildings and structures, such as bridges, that are of architectural or historical importance are placed on a statutory list. These buildings are protected by planning and conservation acts that ensure that their special features of interest are considered before any alterations are made to them.

Depending on how important the buildings are they are classed as Grade I, Grade II* or Grade II. Grade I buildings are those of exceptional interest. Grade II* are particularly important buildings of more than special interest. Those listed as Grade II are those buildings that are regarded of special interest.
source LBL Listed Building List. Buildings and structures, such as bridges, that are of architectural or historical importance are placed on a list. Buildings placed on the list are protected through various planning and conservation acts which ensure that their special features of interest are considered before any alterations are made to them. The Listed Buildings List is compiled and maintained by English Heritage. It includes details of where the building is, when it was built, a description of its appearance, and any other special features. back
source OS Card Ordnance Survey Record Card. Before the 1970s the Ordnance Survey (OS) were responsible for recording archaeological monuments during mapping exercises. This helped the Ordnance Survey to decide which monuments to publish on maps. During these exercises the details of the monuments were written down on record cards. Copies of some of the cards are kept at the Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record. The responsibility for recording archaeological monuments later passed to the Royal Commission on Ancient and Historic Monuments. back
source WMA West Midlands Archaeology. This publication contains a short description for each of the sites where archaeological work has taken place in the previous year. It covers Herefordshire, Shropshire, Staffordshire, Warwickshire, West Midlands and Worcestershire. Some of these descriptions include photographs, plans and drawings of the sites and/or the finds that have been discovered. The publication is produced by the Council For British Archaeology (CBA) West Midlands and is published annually. Copies are held at the Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record. back
technique excavation Archaeologists excavate sites so that they can find information and recover archaeological materials before they are destroyed by erosion, construction or changes in land-use.

Depending on how complicated and widespread the archaeological deposits are, excavation can be done by hand or with heavy machinery. Archaeologists may excavate a site in a number of ways; either by open area excavation, by digging a test pit or a trial trench.
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period Medieval 1066 AD to 1539 AD (the 11th century AD to the 16th century AD)

The medieval period comes after the Saxon period and before the post medieval period.

The Medieval period begins in 1066 AD.
This was the year that the Normans, led by William the Conqueror (1066 – 1087), invaded England and defeated Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings in East Sussex.
The Medieval period includes the first half of the Tudor period (1485 – 1603 AD), when the Tudor family reigned in England and eventually in Scotland too.

The end of the Medieval period is marked by Henry VIII’s (1509 – 1547) order for the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the years running up to 1539 AD. The whole of this period is sometimes called the Middle Ages.
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monument BUILDING * A structure with a roof to provide shelter from the weather for occupants or contents. Use specific type where known. back
monument FLOOR * A layer of stone, brick or boards, etc, on which people tread. Use broader site type where known. back
monument TOWER * A tall building, either round, square or polygonal in plan, used for a variety of purposes, including defence, as a landmark, for the hanging of bells, industrial functions, etc. Use more specific type where known. back
monument CHURCH * A building used for public Christian worship. Use more specific type where known. back
monument ROAD * A way between different places, used by horses, travellers on foot and vehicles. back
monument INDUSTRIAL * This is the top term for the class. See INDUSTRIAL Class List for narrow terms. back
monument VESTRY * A room or part of a church where the vestments, vessels and records are kept. back
monument PISCINA * A perforated stone basin usually built into the wall of a church on the south side of the altar. Used for carrying away the ablutions (wine and water used to rinse the chalice, and wash the priests hands after communion). back
monument FONT * A vessel, usually made of stone, which contains the consecrated water for baptism. Use a broader monument type if possible. back
monument GRAVESTONE * A stone placed over or at the head or foot of a grave, or at the entrance of a tomb. back
monument HAMMER * A machine in which a heavy block of metal is used for beating, breaking or driving something. back
monument CROSS * A free-standing structure, in the form of a cross (+), symbolizing the structure on which Jesus Christ was crucified and sacred to the Christian faith. Use specific type where known. back
monument WALL * An enclosing structure composed of bricks, stones or similar materials, laid in courses. Use specific type where known. back

* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)

English Heritage National Monuments Record