Information for record number MWA4032:
Assorted 19th Century Finds from N of Stratford Road, Bidford on Avon

Summary Findspot - various finds dating to the Imperial period, including a buckle and a button, were found in the area north of Stratford Road, Bidford on Avon.
What Is It?  
Type: Findspot
Period: Imperial - Industrial (1751 AD - 1913 AD)
Where Is It?  
Parish: Bidford on Avon
District: Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire
Grid Reference: SP 10 52
(Data represented on this map shows the current selected record as a single point, this is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent an accurate or complete representation of archaeological sites or features)
Level of Protection National - Old SMR PrefRef (Grade: )
Sites & Monuments Record

Source Number  

1 Collection of artefacts comprising 19th century decorated fragment, button, possible toy coin and shoe buckle with leaf decoration reported by metal detectorists.
2 Button found in 1989 at SP10605220. Probably Victorian.
4 Further find.

Source No: 2
Source Type: Museum Enquiry Form
Title: WMEF 1802
Author/originator: Seaby W A
Date: 1989
Page Number:
Volume/Sheet: 1802
Source No: 1
Source Type: Museum Enquiry Form
Title: WMEF 1519
Author/originator: Wise/Seaby
Date: 1990
Page Number:
Source No: 4
Source Type: Museum Enquiry Form
Title: WMEF 2104
Date: 1990
Page Number:
Volume/Sheet: 2104
There are no images associated with this record.  
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Word or Phrase
source WMEF Warwickshire Museum Enquiry Form. These are forms that are filled in when a person brings an object to Warwickshire Museum to be identified. Amongst the information recorded on the form are details such as a description of the object, where and when it was found, and in some cases a sketch or photographs of it. Copies of the form can be viewed at the Warwickshire Sites and Monuments Record. back
period Imperial 1751 AD to 1914 AD (end of the 18th century AD to the beginning of the 20th century AD)

This period comes after the Post Medieval period and before the modern period and starts with beginning of the Industrial Revolution in 1750. It includes the second part of the Hannoverian period (1714 – 1836) and the Victorian period (1837 – 1901). The Imperial period ends with the start of the First World War in 1914.
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monument FINDSPOT * The approximate location at which stray finds of artefacts were found. Index with object name. back
monument ROAD * A way between different places, used by horses, travellers on foot and vehicles. back
monument INDUSTRIAL * This is the top term for the class. See INDUSTRIAL Class List for narrow terms. back

* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)

English Heritage National Monuments Record