Information for record number MWA7994:
Signal square, RAF Atherstone on Stour

Summary The site of a signal square, a series of concrete shapes laid out on the ground. They were associated with the Second World War airfield to the north east of Atherstone on Stour. The signal square was designed to provide instructions to pilots flying over the airfield.
What Is It?  
Type: Signal Square
Period: Unknown
Where Is It?  
Parish: Atherstone on Stour
District: Stratford on Avon, Warwickshire
Grid Reference: SP 21 51
(Data represented on this map shows the current selected record as a single point, this is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent an accurate or complete representation of archaeological sites or features)
Level of Protection National - Old SMR PrefRef (Grade: )
Sites & Monuments Record

Source Number  

1 An arrangement of concrete pathways laid out in geometric shapes so as to be visible from the air. Each shape, or signal, had a special meaning (eg land on runways only), so that by covering those not required simple instructions could be given to aircraft overhead. This signal square is about 43ft x 43ft (13m x 13m). Adjacent to the square, and also laid in concrete, is the single letter N. This should be the station identification, but other sources give the station identification as NF.
2 Sketch and description.
3 Notes with diagrams on airfield ground markings.

Source No: 3
Source Type: Drawing
Title: Ground markings on aerodrome, Atherstone on Stour
Author/originator: Prately, J
Page Number:
Source No: 2
Source Type: Plan
Title: Signal Square - Atherstone Airfield
Author/originator: Brace, J
Date: 1997
Page Number:
Source No: 1
Source Type: Unpublished document
Title: Field Visit Notes
Author/originator: Brace, J
Date: 1997
Page Number:
There are no images associated with this record.  
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Word or Phrase
monument SITE * Unclassifiable site with minimal information. Specify site type wherever possible. back
monument RUNWAY * A hard level roadway or other surface from which aircraft take off and land. back
monument FIELD * An area of land, often enclosed, used for cultivation or the grazing of livestock. back
monument SQUARE * An open space or area, usually square in plan, in a town or city, enclosed by residential and/or commercial buildings, frequently containing a garden or laid out with trees. back
monument AIRCRAFT * An aircraft, either whole or in part. Aircraft often survive as commemorative monuments, gate guardians or crash sites. back
monument AIRFIELD * An area or site used for the landing and take-off of aircraft, often including associated buildings, equipment and other installations. back
monument SIGNAL SQUARE * A signalling structure used on WWII airfields, comprising a concrete square base with a kerbed border into which concrete signal symbols could be placed to advise pilots in the air of current airfield state e.g. directions of landing and airfield circuit. back

* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)

English Heritage National Monuments Record