Information for record number MWA9704:
Medieval industrial activity at Bread and Meat Close, Friars Street, Warwick.

Summary Medieval features, including a probable tile kiln, an oven or malting kiln, a possible building or structure, clay and rubbish pits and a Medieval roadside ditch. The site is located at Bread and Meat Close, Friars Street, Warwick.
What Is It?  
Type: Tile Kiln, Pit, Gully, Drain, Ditch, Landing Stage
Period: Medieval (1066 AD - 1539 AD)
Where Is It?  
Parish: Warwick
District: Warwick, Warwickshire
Grid Reference: SP 27 64
(Data represented on this map shows the current selected record as a single point, this is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent an accurate or complete representation of archaeological sites or features)
Level of Protection National - Old SMR PrefRef (Grade: )
Sites & Monuments Record

Source Number  

1 Archaeological evaluation of the site at Bread and Meat Close revealed evidence of medieval industrial activity represented by a probable tile kiln and an oven or malting kiln. One side of the tile kiln was revealed including remains of a tie floor. The remains of a collapsed or disturbed stone wall foundation close to the Friars Street frontage may have indicated a building or structure. Further evidence of medieval occupation was recorded on site including clay and rubbish pits. On the eastern part of the site a medieval roadside ditch was also revealed adjacent to the Seven Stars public house along with post-medieval rubbish or quarrying pits.

Source No: 2
Source Type: Excavation Report
Title: Archaeological excavation at Bread and Meat Close, Warwick, Warwickshire 2003, Volume 1: Site report, figures and plates
Author/originator: McAree D
Date: 2007
Page Number:
Volume/Sheet: 07/108
Source No: 1
Source Type: Evaluation Report
Title: Archaeological Evaluation at Bread and Meat Close, Friars Street, Warwick
Author/originator: Thompson P & Wright K
Date: 2003
Page Number:
Volume/Sheet: Report 0316
There are no images associated with this record.  
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Word or Phrase
technique excavation Archaeologists excavate sites so that they can find information and recover archaeological materials before they are destroyed by erosion, construction or changes in land-use.

Depending on how complicated and widespread the archaeological deposits are, excavation can be done by hand or with heavy machinery. Archaeologists may excavate a site in a number of ways; either by open area excavation, by digging a test pit or a trial trench.
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period Medieval 1066 AD to 1539 AD (the 11th century AD to the 16th century AD)

The medieval period comes after the Saxon period and before the post medieval period.

The Medieval period begins in 1066 AD.
This was the year that the Normans, led by William the Conqueror (1066 – 1087), invaded England and defeated Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings in East Sussex.
The Medieval period includes the first half of the Tudor period (1485 – 1603 AD), when the Tudor family reigned in England and eventually in Scotland too.

The end of the Medieval period is marked by Henry VIII’s (1509 – 1547) order for the Dissolution of the Monasteries in the years running up to 1539 AD. The whole of this period is sometimes called the Middle Ages.
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monument SITE * Unclassifiable site with minimal information. Specify site type wherever possible. back
monument OVEN * A brick, stone or iron receptacle for baking bread or other food in. back
monument LANDING STAGE * A platform, sometimes floating, for the landing of passengers and goods from vessels. back
monument KILN * A furnace or oven for burning, baking or drying. Use specific type where known. back
monument BUILDING * A structure with a roof to provide shelter from the weather for occupants or contents. Use specific type where known. back
monument RUBBISH PIT * A pit where domestic waste material is deposited. back
monument STONE * Use only where stone is natural or where there is no indication of function. back
monument FLOOR * A layer of stone, brick or boards, etc, on which people tread. Use broader site type where known. back
monument FEATURE * Areas of indeterminate function. back
monument DRAIN * An artificial channel for draining water or carrying it off. back
monument GULLY * A deep gutter, drain or sink. back
monument INDUSTRIAL * This is the top term for the class. See INDUSTRIAL Class List for narrow terms. back
monument PIT * A hole or cavity in the ground, either natural or the result of excavation. Use more specific type where known. back
monument DITCH * A long and narrow hollow or trench dug in the ground, often used to carry water though it may be dry for much of the year. back
monument PUBLIC HOUSE * The public house was a 19th century development, distinctive from the earlier BEER HOUSE by its decorative treatment and fittings. back
monument STRUCTURE * A construction of unknown function, either extant or implied by archaeological evidence. If known, use more specific type. back
monument WALL * An enclosing structure composed of bricks, stones or similar materials, laid in courses. Use specific type where known. back
monument TILE KILN * A structure in which pottery tiles were baked. back

* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)

English Heritage National Monuments Record