An introduction
Napton on the Hill is a small town located in Warwickshire. Principally a Medieval settlement, Napton developed greatly during the industrial revolution. There is evidence for activity in this area as early as the Neolithic period, although it is not believed that there was a settlement present at this time. Artefacts dating from the Roman and Anglo - Saxon periods have also been discovered. From the medieval period onwards, Napton developed at a rapid pace. The discovery of settlements and ‘household' artefacts suggests that Napton's population was also increasing. Following the industrial revolution, Napton became a town that not only produced its own goods, such as bricks and raw material, but also helped move products around the country using the canal and tram systems within its locality.
During the Second World War, defences were put in place around Napton, such as a pillbox, which was used to store weapons, and an underground monitoring system used to monitor radioactive fallout. These are still visible today, along with tank traps on a bridge over the canal.

Napton's World War II Pillbox