Type of work carried out
Documentary Research - Research involving documents only (e.g. maps, Historic Environment Record, photographs, historical records)
Field walking - Field walking involves the systematic recovery and recording of artefacts recorded from ploughed fields
Building Recording - Building recording includes surveying and planning buildings, photography and written descriptions
Excavation - Excavation involves the systematic removal of soil and other material, detailed recording of the process and finds, and the possible recovery of artefacts.
Geophysics - Geophysics includes a number of non-invasive techniques (e.g. resistivity survey, magnetometry)
Measured Survey - Measured survey involves a detailed survey of features in the landscape (e.g. trackways, mounds)
Metal Detecting - Metal detecting uses a device that registers the presence of metal. Metal artefacts may or may not be recovered.
Other - Any activity not covered by the other categories.