This project (funded by MLA West Midlands) gathered staff from a variety of Warwickshire's cultural organisations, including Warwickshire Museum Service, to investigate ways of working together to inspire children and young people's learning. Partnering the project was The Old School, a school which caters for children who have significant social and emotional difficulties.
Teaching staff gained the opportunity to spend a day with the museum and heritage professionals, seeing ‘behind the scenes' and understanding what collections and information are available to them.

The day was a real success sharing expert knowledge on both sides. School and institution staff investigated innovative ways to engage with students and both groups gained knowledge and skills relating to ways of working.

Feedback from the project included:
‘This was the first time I worked on creating educational resources with a specialist teacher. The day improved my understanding of the different approaches that can be taken when working with children with special educational needs'
"This day gave me the confidence to work with schools offering different curriculums and catering for different needs."
'When planning work we can now add in opportunities for including finds in the class room. Not only for the historical/ geographical work but also explore their use for writing, art, maths etc'