Form Help

Does your project have a title

Enter the title of the project completed

Type of work carried out

Documentary Research - Research involving documents only (e.g. maps, Historic Environment Record, photographs, historical records)

Field walking - Field walking involves the systematic recovery and recording of artefacts recorded from ploughed fields

Building Recording - Building recording includes surveying and planning buildings, photography and written descriptions

Excavation - Excavation involves the systematic removal of soil and other material, detailed recording of the process and finds, and the possible recovery of artefacts.

Geophysics - Geophysics includes a number of non-invasive techniques (e.g. resistivity survey, magnetometry)

Measured Survey - Measured survey involves a detailed survey of features in the landscape (e.g. trackways, mounds)

Metal Detecting - Metal detecting uses a device that registers the presence of metal. Metal artefacts may or may not be recovered.

Other - Any activity not covered by the other categories.

Project Location

Pick a parish from the drop down list

Grid Reference

A six figure grid reference must be entered. For further assistance please contact the HER

Project Archive

Tick the relevant boxes and in the box below provide an indication of what your archive consists of (e.g. 25 photographs, 2 bags of pottery, 1 map)


Use this box to provide a summary of your work, your thoughts/ideas or questions that you may have for us.

Report a Find

The staff at the Historic Environment Record are keen to learn about your recent discoveries made in the County. If you or your local group have been carrying out historical research, or conducting archaeological fieldwork we would like to hear from you.

Please use the form below to inform us about your findings (fields marked * must be completed).

If you have any questions please contact the HER who will be pleased to assist you.

Please provide details below
Date Selector
Date Selector
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