Victoria County History - Warwickshire


The Victoria County History (VCH) was created in 1899 with the aim of producing a county-by-county history of the entire country. Eight volumes were produced for Warwickshire.  The first two volumes contain a history of the county, from prehistory and ecclesiastical history through to recent social and political history (first published 1904 and 1908). Volumes 3-6 provide a detailed account of each parish arranged alphabetical order (published 1945-1951).  The final two volumes give accounts for Birmingham, Coventry and Warwick (published 1964 and 1969).  The entries for each parish contain details on size, population, Domesday Book references, history, churches and other prominent buildings and any recorded charities.

Figure 9: Victoria County History of Warwickshire: Baginton (Vol 6 pp22-23)

Reproduced with kind permission from the Victoria County History

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The Victoria County Histories (VCH) are an essential starting point when researching local history.  They provide a history of each parish together with details of archaeological and historic features and finds.  The records of buildings and sites sometimes include illustrations and plans. Thus they present a general overview of a town or parish. However, the VCH is of its time, hence ideas concerning the various sites and finds may have changed.  This source is useful in providing background information, but it is best to check particular facts with reference to other sources.

Where to find this source:

  • Local Libraries
  • County Record Office
  • Limited availability on Internet
  • Historic Environment Record