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Your search for "barrow" resulted in the following result(s).

monument Word or Phrase:CHAMBERED ROUND BARROW *  
Definition:A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a circular or sub-circular earthen mound. See RELIGIOUS, RITUAL AND FUNERARY Class List for context.

monument Word or Phrase:CHAMBERED LONG BARROW *  
Definition:A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within a rectangular or trapezoidal earthen mound.

monument Word or Phrase:BELL DISC BARROW *  
Definition:A form of round barrow intermediate between the Bell Barrow and the Disc Barrow. Only use where it is not possible to determine specific type.

monument Word or Phrase:CHAMBERED BARROW *  
Definition:A Neolithic burial monument comprising a stone-built chamber within an earthen mound. Use more precise term where known.

monument Word or Phrase:BARROW CEMETERY *  
Definition:A cluster of closely spaced barrows and related monuments (eg. ring ditches). Use with specific barrow-types where known.

monument Word or Phrase:D SHAPED BARROW *  
Definition:Not a round barrow ploughed out at one end, but a specific type, the flat edge being additionally defined by stone slabs.

monument Word or Phrase:PLATFORM BARROW *  
Definition:The rarest of the recognized types of round barrow, consisting of a flat, wide circular mound, which may be surrounded by a ditch. They occur widely across southern England with a marked concentration in East and West Sussex.

monument Word or Phrase:SAUCER BARROW *  
Definition:A round barrow featuring a low, wide mound surrounded by a ditch which may be accompanied by an external bank.

monument Word or Phrase:SQUARE BARROW *  
Definition:A burial monument, usually of Iron age date, comprising a small square ditched enclosure surrounding a central interment, which may also have been covered by a mound.

monument Word or Phrase:ROUND BARROW *  
Definition:Hemispherical mound surrounded by a ditch (or occasionally two or more concentric ditches), often accompanied by an external (or occasionally internal) bank. mound and ditch may sometimes be separated by a berm. Use specific type where known.

monument Word or Phrase:BANK BARROW *  
Definition:A poorly understood Neolithic monument comprising a very long, narrow earthen mound. They may be of single-phase construction, or represent the addition of a linear extension to the bank of an existing Long Barrow.

monument Word or Phrase:BELL BARROW *  
Definition:A round barrow in which the mound and ditch are separated from each other by a berm. The ditch may be accompanied by an external (or occasionally internal) bank.

monument Word or Phrase:BOWL BARROW *  
Definition:A round barrow featuring a mound surrounded by a ditch, with no intervening berm. The ditch may be accompanied by an external bank.

monument Word or Phrase:DISC BARROW *  
Definition:A round barrow featuring a small mound separated from a ditch of much greater diameter by a wide berm. The ditch may be accompanied by an external (or occasionally internal) bank.

monument Word or Phrase:LONG BARROW *  
Definition:A rectangular or trapezoidal earthen mound of Neolithic date, usually accompanied by flanking or encircling ditches, and normally associated with human remains. mound construction and associated features vary considerably in type and complexity.

monument Word or Phrase:OVAL BARROW *  
Definition:A form of Neolithic long barrow comprising an oval, rather than rectangular or trapezoidal mound.

monument Word or Phrase:POND BARROW *  
Definition:A monument featuring an artificial circular shallow depression surrounded by a bank which runs around the rim of the depression.

monument Word or Phrase:RING BARROW *  
Definition:A circular bank surrounding an area where burials were placed.

monument Word or Phrase:BARROW *  
Definition:Artificial mound of earth, turf and/or stone, normally constructed to contain or conceal burials. Use specific type where known.

* Copyright of English Heritage (1999)

English Heritage National Monuments Record

All information © 2013 Warwickshire County Council.